Seeing through the eyes of Baby Jesus

Imagine being inside of Baby Jesus and gazing through his eyes.
Here, it is pure and holy; not a place where sin is removed,
but rather where sin never existed.
Imagine Jesus saying to you…
All the creatures of the earth respond to me. They are my creation, and I am fond of them. Take time to consider them and see them through my eyes. Think about how the children look at my creatures. Children know how to see my kingdom in my creation. Have faith, your eyes are blessed, and they see because you are now in Christ! In Christ you also can see my creation as I see it. Just let faith open your eyes and take time to relax in this holy place. Soon you will see that they look at you in the same way they looked at me. They can see the Christ in you.
Romans 8:19
All Creatures by Ruthann Cramer
The painting session at Zion Christian Fellowship took place on 10/9/22, viewable at the 1:12:33 time mark.
Imagine Jesus saying to you…
Mary wasn’t a religious Madonna. Mary was humble, beautiful and pure of heart. She was my mother, my nurturer, my first source of unhindered love. She was also strong in the hard times. She was a mighty mother. Mary was like the spirit of El Shaddai to me. Indeed, El Shaddai, The Lord Almighty, the breasted one who sustains and nurtures. El Shaddai appeared to Abraham when he was ninety-nine years old and made a promise that I would fulfill one day. Mary carried that promise in her body, and shared it with anyone who would believe. She shared her baby with the whole world because of a promise. So, look through my eyes at motherhood humble and mighty, I want everyone to experience this kind of love.
Lk 1:42 Gen 17:1
El Shaddai by Ruthann Cramer
The painting session at Zion Christian Fellowship took place on 11/27/22, viewable at the 16:05 time mark.
Imagine Jesus saying to you…
Think of the expression on your face the first time you saw something truly wonderful, or the first time you saw your child on a sonogram, or a time you received a perfect gift. That is the look I see on the faces of people who come into my glory. Joseph, having that same joyful and wonderful expression on His face, was one of the first to see me as a baby. Consider Joseph and how he chose to be a husband to Mary and a father to Me. He could have walked away. But he didn’t. He was the earthly father protecting the heavenly Son. He adopted me as his own. Joseph is an example for us how my heavenly father will joyfully adopt anyone who believes in me.
Romans 8:15
Adoption by Ruthann Cramer
The painting session at Zion Christian Fellowship took place on 10/16/22.
Imagine Jesus saying to you…
Imagine you have an angel who acts like this. This isn’t the angel, Gabriel. This one is holding signs of my calling. He comes with joy as if he is holding gifts for a child. And yet, like so many others, He doesn’t know the fate of my earthly life. He establishes victory as part of my identity and then releases heavenly joy which makes me stronger. He looks at me with wonder. He is amazed that The Lord Jehovah has sent His promise to Israel in such a small baby. He will guard and watch over me and be my faithful friend as he knows I am God’s plan of salvation on earth.
Rm 11:29, Heb 1:14.
The Calling by Ruthann Cramer
The painting session took place at Zion Christian Fellowship, viewable at the 23:43 time mark.
Imagine Jesus saying to you…
I don’t want the shepherd dressed in rags. I want you to see him as I see him. I See the gold in him. I See the gold in what he does. Think about it. The shepherd was at work when I arrived. He was the one on the job and my angels interrupted him from his work. As a baby I did not get a luxury hotel. And yet I came to bring good news to the poor. I came to reverse the curse of unfruitful toil. I came to make burdens light. So, when you have a job to do, like the shepherd, know this; I see golden opportunities everywhere. I am with you in your job and your ministry.
Deut. 8:18
The Pastor by Ruthann Cramer
The painting session at Zion Christian Fellowship took place on 11/20/22.
Imagine Jesus saying to you…
When a King bows to you it is a rare and noble moment. When a King gives you honor, it silences the naysayers. When a King pursues you and leaves all to find you, you are worthy. When a king gives you his most precious items from his treasures, you are valued. When a king looks at you in awe and wonder, you bask in a state of adoration that few have known. Pause and receive this thought into your heart: the wise men looked upon me, exactly in the same way that I look at you.
Matt 2:11
The Kings by Ruthann Cramer
The painting session at Zion Christian Fellowship took place on 11/13/22.